In this section you can inquire each account balance, ordered into six groups:
- Cash Accounts
- Credit Cards
- Premia Cards
- Investments
- Credit
- Afore
1. Select the account you want to inquire.
2. Click “Expand” to see more account information and perform various operations.
“Expand all”: displays all the screen details.
“Collapse all”: hides all the screen details.
“Electronic Banking Transactions”: displays details of the last Transactions made through this means.
“Customize”: using this option, you can choose the accounts you want to see on the “Mi BancaNet”.
Fast access. With a single click you can:
Pay my credit card: pay your Banamex cards, other bank cards or department store cards by charging the payment to any of your self-owned accounts.
Transfer to my accounts: make fund transfers between your self-owned Banamex accounts.
Transfer to other accounts: make fund transfers to third party Banamex accounts and mobile numbers, to other banks, payment orders, and AcciTrade.
Service Payments: register, pay, or modify any service.
Banamex Notices: register or modify the notices and keep updated via e-mail and / or mobile phone about the transactions made in your showing Accounts, Banamex Debit and Credit Cards.
- Rejected operation: in case of error, a message will be displayed with the operation name, the description and the possible problem solution.
- The Transactions and operations made on weekends and non-business days will be reflected on the next business day.
- The Transactions reflected in the search by range of days or by period are updated until the previous business day.
- Inquiry of same day and/or previous day Transaction inquiries will only be available to inquire accounts.